What do i see when i look into the mirror?
The Bible says that i should look at a righteous bride.
However, that's not what i see
And thus within me there exists an uncomfortable tide.
When i look into the mirror,
All i see is a fat overweight image.
One that is vivid with bubbly things and stretch marks,
I can't stretch or squat without feeling a fat burn.
All i see is shame.
I am ashamed of taking off my shirt in a swimming pool,
Ashamed of the fact that on the beach my upper body will never look cool.
So i cover my shame with vests and under garments,
In order to cover my shame and avoid torment.
When i look into the mirror,
I see a lack of dimples
And a manifestation of pimples.
I see a man who can do better,
I see a man who can never get her,
I can see the tears that every night taste bitter,
I can see a lump that no app can filter,
I.....I....I can hear sorrow say come hither!
Just behind me on the mirror's reflection,
I can see the clock ticking in perfection.
I can feel my heart racing in paces to fears' election.
This reflection informs me of my worst perception;
That i am running out of days, out of time in quick succession.
My fear is no longer a suspicion
I am failing my mission.
I am a disgrace, a pain to look at,
I am the reason the word loser exists in English diction.
Wait, wait a minute....
If i squint my eyes to the right
And look closely towards where the mirror captures the light.
The image flickers, changes
And i can start to see a new entity
There is hope after all,
Everything is not bleak,
I am not a freak.
A Poem by Bruno Edgard
A Poem by Bruno Edgard