Tuesday, July 17, 2018



What do i see when i look into the mirror?
The Bible says that i should look at a righteous bride.
However, that's not what i see 
And thus within me there exists an uncomfortable tide.

When i look into the mirror,
All i see is a fat overweight image.
One that is vivid with bubbly things and stretch marks,
I can't stretch or squat without feeling a fat burn.
All i see is shame.
I am ashamed of taking off my shirt in a swimming pool,
Ashamed of the fact that on the beach my upper body will never look cool.
So i cover my shame with vests and under garments,
In order to cover my shame and avoid torment.

When i look into the mirror,
I see a lack of dimples
And a manifestation of pimples.
I see a man who can do better,
I see a man who can never get her,
I can see the tears that every night taste bitter,
I can see a lump that no app can filter,
I.....I....I can hear sorrow say come hither!

Just behind me on the mirror's reflection,
I can see the clock ticking in perfection.
I can feel my heart racing in paces to fears' election.
This reflection informs me of my worst perception;
That i am running out of days, out of time in quick succession.
My fear is no longer a suspicion
I am failing my mission.
I am a disgrace, a pain to look at,
I am the reason the word loser exists in English diction.


Wait, wait a minute....

If i squint my eyes to the right

And look closely towards where the mirror captures the light.

The image flickers, changes

And i can start to see a new entity


There is hope after all,

Everything is not bleak,

I am not a freak.


A Poem by Bruno Edgard


  1. O myyyyyy Goddddddd this so exquisite...here I Go
    The pain lingers, but God's the app that can filter.
    The vest for the beach and the facial cleanser
    Abide therein, and you'll know how to war
    But the war is done, I just thought you'd know!

    I've also had my share of manhood challenges, and to be a man I fear, for I've been taught he has abs so thick and muscles so tight, and to me I feel that's an image of pride..but there's a formula I've learned, and I'm a stone that crushed a statue, which stone bulged bigger and stood forever.we've all fallen victims of the savior's love, our paths might differ but all of them haveth stones,
    But you've met the End! And your story starts there and back. Whenever I feel the blues, to my mind I say 'cheer up mine soul, you've seen where, you'll go. A city so bright and the King who ordained thee. Nothing's Much greater, this surpasses my little afflictions, and so knowing my end, I get back to today, and maketh me happy.
    "enough with the garments. Enough with the vests! Am a King, I say, you're a King I say, and YOU KNOW what to do!"

    ~beautiful venting there

    1. Thanks bro. That's the point. We are beautifully and wonderfully created for good works. We are perfect and we are loved.
