Saturday, May 4, 2024

Tales From The Bard: A Taste of Café Javas

Tales From The Bard: A Taste of Café Javas: It's the crunch It's the munch It's the deliciousness that packs a punch It's the drums It's the dance It's the fabl...

A Taste of Café Javas

It's the crunch

It's the munch

It's the deliciousness that packs a punch

It's the drums

It's the dance

It's the fabled service with a happy stance

It's the sip of milky sweetness tickling the tongue

It's the dip of freshness ringing taste buds' alarm

It's the fizz of coolness washing down humid traffic jam

It's with fashion friends

It's with business trends

It's with a passionate lover

It's a chance to be unbothered

It's the air of peace recovered

It's the joy of enzymes discovered

It's the whiff of cherished moments with sister and brother

It's the sound of glasses clinking between mother and father

It's the total taste of satisfaction at Cafe Javas.