Thursday, September 20, 2018



A leader cannot be tamed!!!

Step forth into the great domain

And look onto the horizon

Onto the lush savanna plains,

And you will see that

You are meant to conquer, multiply and not maintain!!!

A leader cannot be tamed!!!

Once that halo is above your head,

A different path you are destined to tread;

One with rocky paths and short nights on your bed.

You know that you have to wake up early in the morning,

That at that time till late;

The sheep need to be fed,

Need to be bred;

You always need to keep a steady head,


A leader cannot be tamed!!!

Multiplying influence is the game

And in this game;

There is often a lot of criticism,

Often a lot of cynicism,

Often a lot of sarcasm;

But in your arsenal;

Sacrifice and countenance

Are firmly in your stead,

You think with your head,

On paths of knowledge and wisdom you tread.

A leader cannot be tamed!!!

For it is written as part of all our membranes

That we must multiply sustenance all over the world

Without any restraint...

...A leader cannot be tamed!!!

For the world is counting on it,

Counting on YOU!!!

To lead the sheep to the shed,

To lead the heavens down softly to earth's bed,

To open the eyes of those who are engulfed in darkness,

To feed the hungry who sorely need to be fed,

To bridge the gap between the can't do and the can do,

To bring faith and prosperity to the weary

To be the shoulder that everyone lean's on...

...To be the light that is always switched on!!!

You see a leader cannot be tamed!!!

For the world is counting on you

To multiply your influence!!!

A poem by Bruno Edgard.