Monday, August 16, 2021



Allow me to introduce myself;

My name is Lucifer.

I am he who comes to steal, kill and destroy!

Apparently, that’s all I am good for.


When I look at the church today,

When I look at the body of Christ,

When I look into your googly Christian eyes

This is what I see:


I see a culture of dishonor.

I see people that dishonor God

By living worthless pathetic lives that are

Contrary to the Old Man’s identity.


I see people dissatisfied,

Wallowing in the belly of mediocrity.

I see people resting in the sacred arms of poverty,

Investing in the tainted dollars of unbelief

And in the evasive art of lack of self-esteem.


I see people too attached to money;

Clamoring onto pieces of paper

Like flies to dead flesh.

I celebrate you for who you truly are:

A servant of idolatry.


My hollow soul weeps for you.

For when I look at you,

I see something that is worse than me.

I have weighed the value of your life

And found it worth nothing.

Darkness is rising!

I see it rise in your heart

Like a wildfire.

I see you breathe its air!

I smell it,

I hear its voice!


I feel it;

When you raise your voice in contempt

Of your parents.

I feel it coursing through your veins

Each time you insult and disrespect your President.


I see dishonor of the body.

I see my good old friend immorality.

I see fornicators and adulterous spouses

Clinging to the whims of the flesh

Like a leech hanging onto human flesh.


I see the reign of death!


I see marriage for what it truly is;

A deal that spouses make but can’t keep.

I see a body that happily embellishes

The prospect of sickness and disease,

You are too proud to believe in healing.


So, I see the reign of death…